Low Strings Electric Piano Chopper Marimba Crush Cymbal Acid organ Strings1 Strings2 Strings3 Strings4 Snare Chorus1 Chorus2 Chorus3 Opened Hihat Jungle Breakbeat Chord1 Chord2 Chord3 Chord4 Noise Sweep Clean Sweep Clean Sweep High Bassdrum Bass Tick Closed Hihat enon of XTC DK proudly presents: LOST iN GRAVi riginally composed by Captain Hol n gravity" on the album "Animals made this nice piece of trance/t roTracker (under the name Atlanti ake a revised OctaMED Soundstudio eans better and cleaner samples, se Mod2Samp anymore - and a lot m 19 instead of 4!). reetings go out to all XTC DK mem ellow musicians Sequentian and Ju hope you enjoy my work! :) ontact me at cmoeller@bigfoot.com laying time: 6:12